A Commonplace Glossary, vol. 1 RSS feed

"Use your words," we are taught.


My name's Chris. When I was once asked to pick three words to describe myself, I wrote need more words, which got me into a great deal of trouble.


font n. \ˈfänt\
desperate adj. \ˈdes-p(ə-)rət\
explore v. \ik-ˈsplȯr\
snapshots plural n. \ˈsnap-ˌshäts\
luck n. \'lək\


June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
November 2009


Charm City Cineaste
An Eastern Shore Writer
The Gray Suite
Keeping in Touch
Spectacle Rock
Strawberry Spice

recur v. \ri-ˈkər\

I don't know why it happens.

I am asleep in bed in my apartment when I hear someone moving in the living room. I stir awake but I don't move. I don't want them to know I'm awake because they're a criminal and I have no way to defend myself. I hear them move into my bedroom. My eyes are closed. The footsteps thunder. They stop for a moment, must be deciding what to steal from me. I hear them move towards me. I have to do something. I try to move but I can't. My body won't wake up. I hear them startle. Some sign has given me away. A change in my breathing. They weren't expecting me to wake up. They start to run away. Footsteps like a deer's running into the woods. I try to call out or make any kind of noise but it only comes out as a groan. Even my vocal chords won't work. I wake up. I see no one. There is no sound but the gentle night wind.

These things happen when I am stressed out. They follow the same pattern each time: someone breaking into my apartment, coming into my bedroom. In most cases, it is someone I never see. Once, it was my sister holding a knife. They always mean me harm but there is no explanation why. Most times, they are robbing me. I can never move. I always try to, but my body can't. I force myself to wake up instead. Somehow I know it's a dream. I focus on my eyelids. If I can open them, it ends. Eventually I can make it happen. It hurts afterwards.

I don't know what to call these things. They don't feel like nightmares. There's very little plot and no characters at all. I can't call them night terrors, either. Those are when you can't remember anything that happened when you closed your eyes but wake up deathly afraid. And it isn't sleep paralysis; that's when you wake up but your body remains asleep and inert. It's all three of these things and none. It happens when I am stressed out, but I'm not now. Everything is rolling forward in my life like a long, even wave. I am riding on top. Everything this week has gone slower than I imagined it would. I can see each thing happen before it does.

I lie in bed. My body feels flooded with adrenaline. I turn on my phone and console myself with Twitter, the random noise created by people at 3 o'clock in the morning. Some people at parties still. Some people strung out on marathon video game sessions, hallucinating in pixels. Some people with insomnia.

I get up and walk down the hallway. I have to do this. The apartment is still locked. The blinds to my patio rustle in the wind. I left the door open.

6/29/2009 3 Comments